Research is the groundwork for all my projects; writing commissions, structuring seminar content or for academic purposes.
My projects
Every writing project starts with research, particularly as I specialise in non-fiction. This takes me beyond desk research to meeting people and discovering new places to find what I’m looking for. Primary sources are always the most valuable.
My masters research (Social Justice and Education UCL IOE 2015) was awarded a distinction and can be accessed here. Soon after this, I conducted empirical research to write my book on the experience of minority mothers and their children’s education. The introduction and part of the first chapter is available to read here.
Qualitative skills
I specialise in talking to families and women, particulalrly from minoritised backgrounds about their experience of the education sector. I have gained skills to engage with this sector from a variety of roles; as a parent-governor in two schools, as an adult education tutor, convening courses for parents and conducting empirical research for my book 'Muslim mothers and their Children's Schooling.'
Inteviewing women and families takes a mixture of empathy, warmth and objectivity which puts participants at ease for a productive dialogue. I can manage the process of collecting empirical data through convening and running focus groups as well as individual interviews, ensuring ethical guidelines are adhered to.
In short, my background lends itself best to community research and growing networks to facilitate this.
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