Turning the Tide
~Reawakening the Woman's Heart and Soul
4th Edition
Kube Publishing (2020)

To see Inside and read some bookstagrammer's posts, come over to this blog post @Kube Publising
Read the full interview about the 4th edition of Turning the Tide, by TMV here

Journal Review Extracts
Extract from: Review Essay
Inspiration or Literality? Reflections on Transformative Literature
'As with the other texts under review, this is a beautifully presented book.
The text is artistically supported with design and artwork, making it visually pleasing, while weaving the theme of water, as the life sustaining source, throughout the text. The author’s voice gently meanders through the spiritual life cycle starting with the soul’s insertion into the foetus and ending with its departure from the physical body following death, to show the needs, inherent value and worth of women at each stage of their lives and location within tawhid.
It aims to engender deep reflection and offer spiritual uplifting and revitalisation, delivered through Qur’anic verses, Prophetic wisdom, supplication, prose and poetry, to help each woman pursue a life of inner harmony and balance. It is a soft, kind, understanding and thoughtful text, with a timeless appeal that is accessible and available to dip into whenever needed. It emits its heartfelt wisdom to the reader in need of its support and sustenance.'
Reviewed by: Ruqaiyah Hibell, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, UK
The Muslim Book Review| Volume 43 | Issue 1 | Autumn 2022
'Turning the Tide is well written, personal and personable, and invites the
reader to reflect on her own life experience, thereby extending the thoughts
begun by the author to give expression to the unspoken and further enrich the
text by reading between the lines. It is in this dynamic that the reader is truly
engaged, and the potential for new growth can be realized as reflective
thoughts become transformative thoughts, illuminating the inner presence and
opening the heart.'
Elma Ruth Harder, Author of Concentric Circles (2016)
Islamic Studies, Vol. 45, No. 4 (Winter 2006), pp. 622-626 (5 pages)
Published By: Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Forthcoming... DEAR MOTHER ~Letters from the Heart Kube Publishing (July 2023)

Chapter 'A Cartography of Motherhood' in Cut from the Same Cloth

Readers' comments About Turning the Tide
Turning the Tide is a lovely book that floats through the various seasons of a woman's life with gentleness and joy. Suma Din has collected verses, quotes, poems, and stories into categories that encourage the reader to think about her life stages. Whether you are thinking about birth or death, marriage or youthful energy you will find a lovely wave to ride in this lovely collection.
Dr. Tamara Gray
Executive Director & Chief Spirituality Officer
Rabata USA
"Turning the Tide is written in a poetic and gentle way weaving in verses of the Qur’an and hadith alongside stories from the life of some of Islam's greatest female role models.
Suma Din does a wonderful job inviting the reader to contemplate their faith in a deeper way through poetry, prose, and supplications."
A Helwa, Author of Best selling title Secrets of Divine Love
If you're looking for a book that allows you to feel - then this is for you. I hope every woman is able to resonate with this through its apt hadiths, Quranic verses, poems, and personal touch.
The concept of the book was nothing like I've read before and I was left feeling inspired by Suma who ultimately realigned our purpose within the book, allowing us to see our journey through a new lens.
Inspirited Minds

... Reading through this deep ocean of spiritual literary brilliance, I found beauty, comfort and most importantly an invitation to a renewed relationship between my soul and her Lord. My soul had embarked upon a journey in choosing Islam. My body had endured a physical journey in becoming a mother. Turning The Tide was then, and still very much is today, a soothing balm, a celebration of womanhood and a special invitation to worship Allah with excellence.
The call to spirituality flows throughout the book as elegantly as the author has used the metaphor of water. This, coupled with the way the author sanctifies each stage of a woman's life, makes it relatable and applicable to all - regardless of age, race or life's circumstances.
Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
Author of Ramadan Reflections (2023)
Founder & CEO - Reg. Charity Solace UK
Co-Host Honest Tea Talk
Turning The Tide is one of the most beautifully uplifting books for women of all ages and walks of life. In essence it speaks to the spiritual soul; bringing peace, solace, comfort and strength.
The sections on supplications are truly a nourishing balm for the soul and a source of contemplative comfort for those seeking a heartfelt connection with Allah.
This book also delineates lessons from the lives of some of the greatest women who ever lived and the enlightenment we can gain from these women of paradise.
Additionally it includes a thought-provoking collection of reminders, poetry and soothing verses and quotes from the Quran and Sunnah. You will find yourself reaching out for this book in whatever difficulty or emotional turbulence you may be facing. It will serve as a spiritual guidebook to help one navigate through various stages of life.
I see this exemplary piece of work as a character building manual for the believer. Highly recommended!
Safura Houghton
Muslim Chaplain
HM Prison Service Chaplain.
Founder of The Lantern Initiative
The Lantern Initiative
A deeply poignant and meaningful book, that will take the soul on a journey of reflection and spiritual rejuvenation. The verses of the Qur’an and important life lessons that Suma Din opens our eyes to, will be as soul-quenching for today’s generation as they were for the previous.
Fatima Barkatullah, Scholar, Author and presenter of the IlmFeed Podcast. UK