Dear Mother
Letters from the Heart
(Forthcoming July 2023)
For mothers and all those who do the work of raising children and keeping a family together. 'Dear Mother' joins you on your journey from a place of empathy and understanding...
Back cover:
Dear Mother... brings together mothers of all ages and backgrounds in a compendium of fictional letters, written from the heart.
Great challenges and responsibilities, hopes and disappointments are explored without apology. As one mother prepares for a new-born, another shares her experience of being a single parent.
Why is a mother at the primary school gate feeling burnt out by 9 am and what advice does a grandmother pass down to her granddaughter?
Whether she's sitting in the ante-natal clinic, on a bus or in the masjid, these letters reveal a variety of mothers' inner dialogue - one which is rarely heard in society.
Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781847742032
Number of pages: 100
Dimensions: 185 x 121 m

The letters in Dear Mother
reflect realities
puts the work of mothering on the collective agenda
values the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental labour of raising children
unapologetically come from a faith perspective, relevant to so many parents raising a family.
From the Introduction 'Dear Reader, In a book of fictional letters, the introduction has to be a letter and it has to be a real one to you. We don’t know each other but we have one thing in common: we started life in our mothers’ wombs. What happened to both of us after our births may be very different but our shared beginning is enough of a connection between us. It’s this universal connection that makes the subject of motherhood so emotive. Unlike any other relationship, this ‘tie of the womb’ gives birth to an array of deeply held feelings based on our own experiences. As much as childhood is a time of innocence, growth, awe and wonder, nurturing a child isn’t a parallel experience. Motherhood is a magnificent, humbling, chaotic experience; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It’s an ongoing, invisible labour of love, long after the umbilical cord is cut. Given the strong views held, why would I or anyone else write about the maternal journey? I’ve questioned myself about this scores of times. The answer lies at the source of most endeavours, if we dig deep enough: it’s personal. So, here’s a window into my mothering experience and the motivation for writing this book.' Continued in the book, pre order at the links above, thank you!

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