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One Day - Around The World in 24 Hours Buy from Bloomsbury Education  "One Day" is an enriching book which takes children on a breathtaking whirlwind tour of the world and enchants everyone from KS1 all the way up to adults! Suffice to say, I have just begun my final half term planning and I will be using the book again this year next term, in a similar vein but for my world cup topic! Year 5 teacher Amazon review ----------------------------------------------------------------------  A super, child-friendly explanation of world time zones and a great discussion starter on lifestyles around the world.  We've just bought 2 copies of this ingenious and multi-faceted book for our school library. It's packed with information about the world's time zones and different global lifestyles yet is delivered in a child-friendly way. It's is a must for introducing children to human geography. The lively, double-page map at the beginning of the book introduces 15 boys and girls from across the world's time zones. Each child has a name and a story-thread that is revisited four times during a 24 hour period.  R Whitaker - Key Stage 2 teacher Amazon Review   

The Gift of Our World 

A little Muslims guide to loving and caring for planet earth  Buy a copy here 

The Gift of Our World  
A little Muslim's guide to loving and caring for planet earth  
Beacon Books 2021 
‘The Gift of the Our World is a much-needed environmental book for youngsters. Using a faith-based approach, the author has made a remarkable effort to explain contemporary environmental issues in an easy-to-understand manner.’ 
Salman Zafar, Founder, EcoMENA Riyadh, SA 
'Inspiring Future Eco warriors! 
This is a vital book for all children to learn about the environment and how they can protect, preserve, and conserve this precious planet. Suma’s illustrations add life and light to inspire children to continue to read and learn effortlessly. The Islamic perspective to the environment is presented beautifully.' 
Dr Husna Ahmad, OBE, CEO of Global One, Global Coordinator of the ANCSSC, Secretary General of the World Muslim Leadership Forum 
I just read the book and it’s absolutely adorable and also informative in a way that’s fun and easy to understand. I couldn’t help but smile while reading it. The words along with the creative illustrations are such a perfect combination. 
Saarah Latif Co-Author of 40 green hadith 
M.S Sustainability and Fellowship at Greenfaith USA 
Dr Hany El Banna, Servant to the World's Poorest People 
Buy a copy from Kube Publishing 

 --------------------------------------------------------Watch this Al Jazeera documentary about Dr Hany's life, released April 2022.  

    Books for Schools - Education Pack MCB 

From the MCB website:  
'High quality resources to facilitate Religious Education (RE) teachers in teaching Islam along with other world religions for Keystages 1 & 2 
Resource packs cover basic Muslim beliefs and practices, via engaging and interactive class and group projects. 
Four full resource packs (including Teacher Notes and Photocopiable Activity Sheets): 
Prayer, Fasting and Id-ul-Fitr (Pink) 
Introducing the Qu’ran (Blue) 
Id-ul-Adha and the Hajj (Green) 
Islam Through the Arts (Orange) (including booklet by ‘Dawud Wharnsby Ali’ Nasheed Artist) 
DVD – Wafa’s Eid, A child’s eye view of Eid-ul-Fitr 
A2 Laminated Poster – Eid Ul-Fitr 
Don’t miss out on these high quality educational resources – limited stock available!' 
Click the image below for the order form